Port Fairy
Port Fairy on the far western coast of Victoria was settled in 1835 and has a rich heritage. The area was used by whalers and seal hunters. By the mid 1830’s a whaling station had been established on what is now Griffiths Island. Simple bluestone cottages built by whalers and sealers of the time are still standing around the town. Port Fairy is a delightful town where you will find lots of things to see and do. There are museums, historic walks, stretches of coastline, a fascinating harbour and charming old world cottages. Port Fairy also hosts the Port Fairy Folk Festival (in March) and is recognised as the best of its kind in Australia, attracting large local and International Acts. Port Fairy is located 290 km west of Melbourne on the eastern headland of Portland Bay. It was inhabited by the Knarn Kolak Aboriginal group long before the arrival of Europeans.