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Cape to Cape

Cape to Cape is a walking track that runs from Cape Leeuwin to Cape Naturaliste in Western Australia’s South West Region. The track is 135 km long and takes you from lighthouse to lighthouse. Along the way you will see spectacular coastlines and other scenery. In spring, visitors can experience one of the most colourful displays mother nature has to offer: Vast areas of the South-West are covered under carpets of wildflowers in the most amazing array of colours. Western Australia is home to several thousand species of wildflowers and has got one of the world’s largest densities of wildflowers. Because this track is so easy to access, it offers many different walking options ranging from a short stroll of a couple of hours to multi-day hikes. The whole track will take between five to seven days. There are many campsites along the track, but why not stay in one of the many different accommodation houses available in the Margaret River region?