Waitomo Caves
The Waitomo Caves are located about two hours drive south of Auckland. It is a village that has a cave system formed by water flowing throught the limestone rocks. The word Waitomo comes from the Maori language wai, meaning water, and tomo, meaning a doline or sinkhole; hence it can be loosely translated to “water passing through a hole”. The caves are believed to be over two million years old. The major caves are Ruakuri, Aranui and Gardener’s Gut. There are many stalactites and stalagmites to be admired and of course the Waitomo glowworm or Arachnocampa luminosa, unique to New Zealand. Thousands of these tiny creatures radiate their luminescent light and amaze visitors with their magic lightshow on the vaulted limestone. Visitors can take part in guided tours with excellent information or take the more adventurous option. Alternatively, there is black water rafting in the underground caves with boats working their way through tight squeezes- take leaps of faith over cascading underground waterfalls and float down river.